Hi, my name is Toni!
I am an internationally certified Yoga Teacher in Hatha, Ashtanga, Vinyasa und Nidra. I was trained in India (200h) and in Nepal (300h advanced practices) by traditional Yogis. Hence I am also seeking to teach traditional yoga in our western culture.
In my twenties I have successfully studied Physio-Therapy at a university in Costa Rica. In Germany I additionally completed a Physio-Fitness Trainer License. This is an advanced education of the Trainer B-license for rehabilitation purposes of the human functional anatomy such as after injuries.
The combination of yoga and the clear physical knowledge is a perfect base for a mentally and physically healthy and fit condition which I am very happy to share with others.
Why am I doing what I am doing?
In our modern western culture Yoga is mostly seen as a type of sports. In fact – it´s not! It rather is a certain style to live by, probably the healthiest of all! It can honestly be a guideline to a sustainable and healthy lifestyle leading you to mental and physical fulfillment.
Due to this so valuable impact on a human life, I decided to dedicate myself to teaching Yoga and to encourage others to actively care for their mental and physical health. For this, I am offering among others also free yoga classes in summer, physio-fitness trainings and yogic massages.
Is there something you would like to tell me or what you would like to know? Get in touch with me – I am looking forward to meeting you.