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Free Videos

Yoga is so valuable and should be accessible to everybody!

Free Videos

I would be so happy if you would subscribe my YouTube Channel so I can prepare more free Videos for you. There I will upload yoga tutorials and classes, so you can enjoy guided yoga for free!

1. Surya Namaskar Tutorials

Surya Namaskar C (Hatha)

Hints about Surya Namaskar C (Hatha):

  • Done in Hatha Yoga
  • Most calm of the 3 Surya Namaskars
  • Slight back bend in Hasta Uttanasana
  • Right side first, then left side, makes one cycle
  • Don´t do “Upward Facing Dog”, instead “Cobra” (hips on the ground)
  • It´s not called “Downward Facing Dog”, instead “Mountain Pose” (different title but same as pose)
  • Feet are together in Mountain Pose
  • There is no “Chaturanga” but “Ashtanga Namaskar”


Hints about Surya Namaskar A (Ashtanga):

  • Done in Ashtanga
  • Shortest of the 3 Sun Salutations
  • There is no ride and left side cycle, only one
  • NO back bend in beginning or end in Urdva Uttanasana, keep body one line
  • It´s called “Upward Facing Dog”, body off the ground (not Cobra)
  • It´s called “Downward Facing Dog”, body off the ground (not Mountain Pose)
  • Feet hip width APART in the Dogs
  • DO “Chaturanga Dandasana” (only feet and hands on ground, keep body up)


Hints about Surya Namaskar B (Ashtanga):

  • Done in Ashtanga
  • When you’re in Utkatasana and you´d look down, you should be able to see your toes
  • Straight back in Utkatasana
  • Do right side Virabhadrasana A (Warrior A) first, then left side Virabhadrasana A
  • Whole feet are on the ground in Warrior A (no high lunge)
  • “Chaturanga Dandasana” (only feet and hands on ground, keep body up)
  • It´s called “Upward Facing Dog”, body off the ground (not Cobra)
  • It´s called “Downward Facing Dog”, body off the ground (not Mountain Pose)
  • Feet hip width APART in the Dogs

2. Free Yoga classes

Yoga for Strength

Combining movement and breathing, changing between asanas for strength, soft stretchings and relaxation, about 40 minutes. We are starting a little slower to then get deeper into activating our muscular system. This session is especially good to do in the morning to start off the day feeling fully energized and at the same time totally relaxed.

Yoga to Enhance Mobility

18 minutes of relaxed Yoga by the sea. These minutes will help your body to overcome stiffness 🤸🏼‍♀️ Just do it regularly and you´ll soon notice progress!

Do you have any wishes?

Feel free to tell me what asana you´d like to learn or if you wish a certain focus in a yoga class (eg. muscle group or functionality).
I´ll keep these in mind for my next videos.